Evolving remote working, by co-locating with another team member.

Ian Moss
2 min readJan 9, 2020

Is it possible to evolve remote working, by having another team member in the same place.

Málaga popup coworking.

In consultancy, it’s often the case that part of the client team is remote.

What if we encouraged people working remotely to co-locate with another team member?

So, your client, maybe remote. But some of your team are co-located with you.

Advantage that you’re still in the location of your choice.

But instead of the disadvantage when you get to a hard problem, of having to try and explain it to a remote team member. You have another person in the same room, who understands the intricies of the issue, and can you put two heads together to solve the problem quicker.

This would enable remote workers to tackle more complex problems, easier.

In effect, you’re becoming a movable satellite office. This could work for product teams, and consultancy quite well.

Berlin Berlin Berlin!

For myself and my consultancy alter.is the goal is to build up teams in two locations Berlin and Málaga.

In Berlin, I’ve been part of building a small community of friendly rubyists who would like to pair programme more often.

In Málaga, I’ve been key in running the ruby meetup for the last 2 years.

In 2020, I’m entering the 3rd iteration of the Berlin+Málaga co-existence, and wondering how we can add value to clients, who perhaps are in Berlin (or elsewhere in Germany), but perhaps they’re in London, Amsterdam, Stockholm, Estonia, Helsinki?

Perhaps there’s other companies in Berlin or Málaga that would like to collaborate? Perhaps there’s other rubyists/freelancers out there that would like to try a Berlin + Málaga existence?

Lets work together in 2020.

It would be great to talk more if you would like to explore this opportunity or maybe you’re another developer who would like to overlap in Berlin in Málaga, and work alongside alter.is.



Ian Moss

alter.is : Creative innovator & technologist. Product Manager, Innovation Process, Project Manager, Ruby On Rails development. #European